Gāthā |
教诫波罗提木叉偈 原文版权所有 © 1994 坦尼沙罗比丘 。免费发行。 本文允许在任何媒体再版、重排、重印、印发。然而,作者希望任何再版与分发以对公众免费与无限制的形式进行,译文与 转载也要求表明作者原衷。 中译版权所有 © 2005 良稹,http://www.theravadacn.org , 流通条件如上。转载时请包括本站连接,并登载本版权声明。 |
Uddiṭṭhaṃ kho tena
Bhagavatā jānatā passatā arahatā sammā-sambuddhena:
Ovāda-pāṭimokkhaṃ tīhi gāthāhi. This was summarized by the Blessed One, the One who Knows, the One who Sees, the Worthy One Rightly Self-awakened: the Patimokkha Exhortation in three verses: |
这是由薄伽梵、知者、见者、阿罗汉、正自觉者所总结的教诫波罗提木叉三偈: |
Khantī paramaṃ tapo tītikkhā |
忍耐自制为至上的简朴。 |
Sabba-pāpassa akaraṇaṃ, Kusalassūpasampadā, Sacitta-pariyodapanaṃ: Etaṃ buddhāna-sāsanaṃ. The non-doing of any evil, The performance of what's skillful, The cleansing of one's own mind: This is the Buddhas' teaching. |
诸恶莫作, |
Anūpavādo anūpaghāto Pāṭimokkhe ca saṃvaro Mattaññutā ca bhattasmiṃ Pantañca sayan'āsanaṃ. Adhicitte ca āyogo: Etaṃ buddhāna-sāsananti. Not disparaging, not injuring, Restraint in line with the monastic code, Moderation in food, Dwelling in seclusion, Commitment to the heightened mind: This is the Buddhas' teaching. |
不毁谤,不伤害, |
最近訂正 8-25-2006