Sn II.4 |
小部经集 II.4 原文版权所有 © 1994 坦尼沙罗比丘。免费发行。本文允许在任何媒体再版、重排、重印、印发。然而,作者希望任何再版与分发以对公衆免费与无限制的形式进行,译文与转载也要求表 明作者原衷。 中译版权所有 © 2005 良稹, ,流通条件如上。转载时请包括本站连接,并登载本版权声明。 |
I have heard that at one time the Blessed One was staying in Savatthi at Jeta's Grove, Anathapindika's monastery. Then a certain deva, in the far extreme of the night, her extreme radiance lighting up the entirety of Jeta's Grove, approached the Blessed One. On approaching, having bowed down to the Blessed One, she stood to one side. As she stood to one side, she addressed him with a verse. |
如是我闻,一时薄伽梵住舍卫城祇树给孤独精舍。有一天神,于深夜时分,身放强光、遍照祇树,走近薄伽梵。走近跟前,向薄伽梵顶礼后,立于一边。立于一边 后,她向薄伽梵口说一偈: |
Many devas
and humans beings give thought to protection, desiring well-being. Tell, then, the highest protection. |
诸天与世人, |
The Buddha: Not consorting with fools, consorting with the wise, paying homage to those worthy of homage: This is the highest protection. |
佛陀: |
Living in
a civilized land, having made merit in the past, directing oneself rightly: This is the highest protection. |
依往昔所修福德、 |
knowledge, skill, well-mastered discipline, well-spoken words: This is the highest protection. |
博学、广能、 |
Support for one's
parents, assistance to one's wife and children, consistency in one's work: This is the highest protection. |
奉养父母、 |
Giving, living in rectitude, |
布施、正命、 |
abstaining from evil; refraining from intoxicants, being heedful of the qualities of the mind: This is the highest protection. |
戒诸恶行、 |
humility, contentment, gratitude, hearing the Dhamma on timely occasions: This is the highest protection. |
恭敬、谦卑、 |
compliance, seeing contemplatives, discussing the Dhamma on timely occasions: This is the highest protection. |
忍耐、受教、 |
celibacy, seeing the Noble Truths, realizing Unbinding: This is the highest protection. |
俭朴、独身、 |
A mind that, when
touched by the ways of the world, is unshaken, sorrowless, dustless, at rest: This is the highest protection. |
心触世法、 |
undefeated when acting in this way, people go everywhere in well-being: This is their highest protection. |
如此行持, |
[1]文明国土: 据英译者,指承认修练心智之重要性的地方。
最近訂正 11-2-2009